Part-time MPhil
The MPhil PHS can be taken part-time over 22 months (2 years). Part-time students will be taught with the full-time MPhil students in the same classrooms with the same materials and the same teachers. The only differences are the length of the course, and the planned pathways for part-time students.
Applicants should note that due to pre-requisites and dependencies, and constraints of timetabling, the pathways followed by part-time students will be dependent on which of the specialisation themes they are following. An indication of how the modules can be spread over 2 years for each specialisation theme is provided in this document.
International students
International students who require a student visa to study in the UK are expected to apply for the full-time programme. This is owing to the restrictions of a part-time student visa. The University will only sponsor a student visa for the part-time option if the reason for studying part-time is due to a disability. Further information is outlined on the International Students webpages.
Auditing Single MPhil PHS Modules
Cambridge University staff and students may apply to attend individual MPhil PHS modules.
Auditing a module (i.e. fully participating, but not for credit) will be free for Cambridge students, but there will be a fee for Cambridge staff. People not affiliated to the university are not allowed to audit modules, except by prior arrangement with their institution.
The cost for auditing a module of the MPhil in Population Health Sciences is £1130 per module for the academic year [ACY] October 2024 to July 2025. You may apply for a maximum of 3 modules.
For module dates please see the timetable for ACY 2024-25 (key to use on first tab). Please note that modules dates may occasionally be subject to change
Acceptance onto a module depends on a number of conditions:
- There is sufficient capacity (number and room)
- The module leader agrees to the auditor’s participation
- The number of auditors may be limited to no more than 10% of the number of students taking the module
- Preference will be given to students within the three PHS departments (DPHPC, MRC Biostatistics, MRC Epidemiology), then staff within the three departments, then to others.
- Auditors have the necessary pre-requisite knowledge for the module
- Auditors agree to abide by all rules and policies governing students on the MPhil PHS pertaining to module participation
- Auditors agree to participate fully in the whole module, with the same commitment and courtesy expected of all students
- Auditors should not ask questions beyond the scope of class
To apply to audit a module, please complete an online application form.
To note: A separate application form should be completed for each module that you wish to audit, as each module application must be considered and approved by the individual module leader(s).
Application deadlines:
- For attendance at a core module, submit by 30th September 2024.
- For attendance at a student-selected module, submit by 10th January 2025.
Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application within 4 weeks of the above submission deadlines
Acceptance to participate in a module is not guaranteed and is dependent on the conditions listed above. If the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of auditors acceptable, then we will use a simple lottery system.
Opportunities to participate in other Cambridge courses can be found at:
Postgraduate School of Life Sciences, https://www.postgradschl.lifesci.cam.ac.uk/
Cambridge Postdoc Academy, https://www.postdocacademy.cam.ac.uk/